Christian Meditation
Breakfast with Jesus: 10 Minute Christian Guided Morning Meditation for Depression
Nearly every Christian feels at some point that they have failed in their walk and let God down. Enter into the story of Peter's restoration (John 21) and feel Jesus' love and forgiveness wash over you in this short ten minute guided meditation to start your morning. Regardless of your past choices or your perceived shortcomings, God calls you to serve him here and now.
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Text: In the Christian walk, one day we may have full confidence in our faith and willingness to lay down our ego for Christ, while the next we may wonder if God could forgive us for our failing In the Christian walk, one day we may have full confidence in our faith and willingness to lay down our ego for Christ, while the next we may wonder if God could forgive us for our failing him. Yet, as we will experience in Peter’s story, God’s love is unchanging and he calls us to serve him, even in our brokenness.
Bring your attention to the Holy Spirit within you, allowing your thoughts to still and your body to relax completely. Breathe in gratitude for God’s presence. Breathe out his love and be the silent observer as your body continues to soften. Rest in his love as you continue to settle into a mindful peace for the next minute or so. (RERECORD)
It is time to enter the word of God through meditation. Imagine that you are Peter, one of Jesus’ closest apostles. It has only been a few weeks since the night that brought both the loss of your Lord and your most shameful hour. You had been so confident in your loyalty to and love for Jesus. How could you have so easily denied that you even knew him? Time has passed, and you have decided to return to your former life as a fisherman, relinquishing your dreams of building the kingdom. You have spent the pre-dawn hours with several of the other disciples fishing, but have caught nothing. The sun is moving higher in the sky, and you are bringing the nets into the boat to be cleaned. Immerse yourself in the scene. Hear the lapping of the lake water against the sides of the boat. Feel the warmth of the rising sun and the coolness of the breeze on your face. (5 s). As you feel the wet nets in your hands, also notice your hurting heart, perhaps remembering when you have failed Jesus and chosen instead to protect your ego. (30 s).
In the distance, a man stands on the shore, calling out to you--”Friends, haven’t you caught any fish?”. You indicate your empty boat. The man calls out again, urging you and your companions to drop the nets once more on the right side of the boat. As you draw the net in, it is so full of fish that it is impossible to pull into the boat. John, in disbelief, looks back at the man on the shore. Suddenly, his eyes are opened. “It is the Lord!” he exclaims. At this, you grab your coat and throw yourself overboard, half swimming, half stumbling as you struggled toward shore. What emotions do you feel? (20 s).
You reach the shore and see that Jesus has prepared breakfast. You and your friends sit down to the meal. As you eat, you cautiously look at your Rabbi, afraid of what you might see in his eyes. Jesus holds your gaze. Then he asks, “Simon, son of John, do you truly love me, agape me, more than these? Do you love me like I love you?
You hurt inside, knowing the truth. “Yes Lord, you know that I love, phileo, you--I love you like a brother.”
“Feed my lambs” Jesus replies. Then he asks you again.
“Simon, son of John do you truly agape me, love me like I love you?”
Again, you answer, ““Yes Lord, you know that I love you, phileo, you--I love you like a brother.”
Jesus answers “Take care of my sheep.” But Jesus doesn’t stop there. He asks once more, with a distinct difference.
“Simon, son of John, do you phileo me, love me like a brother?”
“Lord, you know everything, you know that l love you.”
Jesus looks deeply into your eyes, love and forgiveness pouring out from him “Feed my sheep.” he commands. Three times you denied Jesus--Three times he has restored you to his love. Jesus knows the state of your heart and wants you just as you are. As this meditation ends, pause the video if you’d like and rest for several minutes in his love and forgiveness. Consider what Jesus is asking you to do now that he has restored your relationship to him. Thank you for meditating with me today.
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